Monday, April 20, 2009


Hey team! How is Art Blocks doing lately? We should meet up soon! Updates?!

Friday, February 13, 2009

logo time

hey y'all. carey and i met today to talk logo. here's the direction we're headed in: aerial view with an interesting infrastructure of streets that frame the words "art blocks." each letter will sit in its own box, and look like individual row homes from above. we think this will be able to hold its integrity as a black and white logo type, but depending on the context (ie. website) we would have room to play around with it more and add color! (remember, color = creativity. instead of paintbrush = creativity.)

this was our inspiration for the above. (obviously the method of execution in terms of lettering is modified for ours...)

from here, we're each going to play around with making vector drawings of baltimore street views to see how that looks and search for the perfect art blocks font. feel free to help us if you can!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

interesting link

From The Center For Urban Pedagogy:

"CUP makes educational projects about places and how they change.

Our projects bring together art and design professionals - artists, graphic designers, architects, urban planners - with community-based advocates and researchers - organizers, government officials, academics, service-providers and policymakers. These partners work with CUP staff to create projects ranging from high school curricula to educational exhibitions.

Our work grows from a belief that the power of imagination is central to the practice of democracy, and that the work of governing must engage the dreams and visions of citizens. CUP believes in the legibility of the world around us. What can we learn by investigation? By learning how to investigate, we train ourselves to change what we see."

Seemed like an interesting way to look at things.

Here's the link:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



While googling "artblocks" just now to see if we have a listing yet, I came across this:

Pretty wild, huh? If Jung is right (as he nearly always is), his notion of the universal consciousness will become readily apparent, as suddenly "artblocks"--and everything related to the concept--starts appearing in all kinds of places and in all kinds of forms. 




Hey Team MICA!

I'm back from NY and just want to guys are AWESOME!!!

Love the blog idea, Carey, and thanks so much for getting it started. I can't wait to see what you have come up with!


logo notes

sorry for the chicken scratch guys... i didn't know i'd have to share!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey Everyone!


Just checking to see if this works. 
I'll post my sketches and notes from today's meeting tomorrow. 
It would be awesome if you all could do the same so Deb can see what we're doing and give some feedback. 
If anyone has trouble joining, please let me know and I'll walk you through it.